Source code for pyalect.dialect

import ast
import io
import re
import tokenize
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

DIALECT_COMMENT = re.compile(r"^# ?dialect *= *(\w+(?: *, *\w+)*)\n?$")
DIALECT_NAME = re.compile(r"^\w+$")

_REGISTERED_DIALECTS: Dict[str, Type["Dialect"]] = {}

[docs]def find_file_dialects(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]: """Find dialects in the source of the file at the given path. See :func:`find_source_dialects` for more info. """ filepath = Path(filename) if filepath.suffix == ".py": file = io.FileIO(str(filepath)) try: return find_source_dialects(file) finally: file.close() else: return []
[docs]def find_source_dialects(source: Union[bytes, str, io.FileIO]) -> List[str]: """Extract dialect from comment headers in module source code. The comment should be of the form ``# dialect=my_dialect`` and must be before the first non-continuation newline. Examples: .. code-block:: # dialect=my_dialect .. code-block:: # coding=utf-8 # dialect=my_dialect '''docstring''' """ buffer: Union[io.FileIO, io.BytesIO] if isinstance(source, io.FileIO): buffer = source elif isinstance(source, str): buffer = io.BytesIO(source.encode()) elif isinstance(source, bytes): buffer = io.BytesIO(source) else: raise TypeError(f"Expected bytes, str, or FileIO not {source!r}") for token in tokenize.tokenize(buffer.readline): if token.type == tokenize.NEWLINE: break if token.type == tokenize.COMMENT: match = DIALECT_COMMENT.match(token.string) if match is not None: names = match.groups()[0].split(",") return list(map(str.strip, names)) return []
[docs]class Dialect: """A base class for defining a dialect transpiler. The logic of transpiling can be roughly paraphrased as: .. code-block:: import ast transpiler = MyDialect("") source = read_file_source() new_source = transpiler.transform_src(source) tree = ast.parse(new_source) new_tree = transpiler.transform_ast(tree) exec(compile(new_tree, "", "exec")) .. note:: A transpiler instance is only used **once** per module and **shouldn't** be reused. This means that a :class:`Dialect` can keep state between calls to :meth:`Dialect.transform_src` and :meth:`Dialect.transform_ast` Parameters: filename: the name of the file being transpiled. """ name: str def __init_subclass__(cls, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if name is not None: = name if getattr(cls, "name", None) is not None: register(cls) def __init__(self, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self.filename = filename
[docs] def transform_src(self, source: str) -> str: """Implement this method to transform a raw Python source string.""" return source
[docs] def transform_ast(self, node: ast.AST) -> ast.AST: """Implement this method to transform an :class:`~ast.AST`.""" return node
[docs]class DialectReducer(Sequence[Dialect]): """A reducer for applying many dialects at once. It acts like a :class:`typing.Sequence`, but with the same interface as a :class:`Dialect` which makes it easy to work with. """ def __init__(self, dialects: Iterable[Dialect]): self._dialects = tuple(dialects) @overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Dialect: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> "DialectReducer": ... def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[Dialect, "DialectReducer"]: if isinstance(index, int): return self._dialects[index] else: return DialectReducer(self._dialects[index]) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._dialects)
[docs] def transform_src(self, source: str) -> str: """Transform raw Python source code using the contained dialects.""" for d in self._dialects: source = d.transform_src(source) return source
[docs] def transform_ast(self, node: ast.AST) -> ast.AST: """Transform an AST tree using the contained dialects.""" for d in self._dialects: node = d.transform_ast(node) return node
[docs]def apply_dialects( source: str, names: Union[str, Iterable[str]], filename: Optional[str] = None ) -> ast.AST: """Utility for applying dialect transpilers to source code.""" reducer = dialect_reducer(names, filename) source = reducer.transform_src(source) tree = reducer.transform_ast(ast.parse(source)) return tree
[docs]def dialect_reducer( names: Union[str, Iterable[str]], filename: Optional[str] = None ) -> DialectReducer: """Get a :class:`DialectReducer` Examples: There's a couple different ways to create the reducer. .. code-block:: dialect_reducer("d1") dialect_reducer("d1, d2, d3") dialect_reducer(["d1", "d2", "d3"]) """ return DialectReducer([dialect(n, filename) for n in _split_dialect_names(names)])
[docs]def dialect(name: str, filename: Optional[str]) -> Dialect: """Instantiate a dialect for use on the given file. Parameters: name: The dialect name filename: The name of the file the :class:`Dialect` will be used on. """ if name in _REGISTERED_DIALECTS: return _REGISTERED_DIALECTS[name](filename) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dialect {name!r}")
[docs]def registered() -> Set[str]: """The set of dialect names already registered.""" return set(_REGISTERED_DIALECTS)
[docs]def register(dialect: Type[Dialect]) -> Type[Dialect]: """Register a :class:`Dialect` so it will be applied to imported modules.""" if not issubclass(dialect, Dialect): raise TypeError(f"Expected a 'Dialect' not {dialect}") if getattr(dialect, "name", None) is None: raise ValueError(f"Dialect {dialect} has no name defined") elif in _REGISTERED_DIALECTS: msg = f"Already registered {_REGISTERED_DIALECTS[]!r} as {!r}" raise ValueError(msg) _REGISTERED_DIALECTS[_check_valid_dialect_name(] = dialect return dialect
[docs]def deregister(*dialects: Union[Type[Dialect], Iterable[str], str],) -> None: """Deregister one or more :class:`Dialect` classes. Parameters: dialects: the dialect name, or class """ if not dialects: _REGISTERED_DIALECTS.clear() return None for dia in dialects: if isinstance(dia, str): for name in _split_dialect_names(dia): try: del _REGISTERED_DIALECTS[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"No dialect {name!r} to deregister") elif isinstance(dia, type) and issubclass(dia, Dialect): if ( getattr(dia, "name", None) is not None and _REGISTERED_DIALECTS[] == dia ): del _REGISTERED_DIALECTS[] else: raise ValueError(f"{dia} is not registered.") else: raise TypeError(f"Expected a string, or Dialect subclass, not {dia}")
def _split_dialect_names(dialects: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Iterator[str]: if not isinstance(dialects, str): dialect_iter = dialects else: dialect_iter = list(map(str.strip, dialects.split(","))) for dia in dialect_iter: yield _check_valid_dialect_name(dia) def _check_valid_dialect_name(name: str) -> str: if not DIALECT_NAME.match(name): raise ValueError(f"Invalid dialect name {name!r}") return name